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The meaning of Reiki in Japanese is “Universal Life Energy,” Rei means spiritual, universal soul, universal consciousness and Ki means vital or life force energy.


Reiki energy promotes deep relaxation, energetic detox and brings overall balance to your mental, physical, emotional and spiritual wellbeing. A Reiki Treatment is non-intrusive experience as the energy acts intuitively and goes where needed. Reiki has been reported to improve sleep, reduce stress, release toxins in the body, improve focus of the mind, relieve pain in the body. Reiki is a complimentary treatment to traditional therapies. 

The modality was discovered by Mikao Usui after years of research, practice and meditation.  This practice focuses on channelling the Reiki energy through the hands to an individual. During a treatment the personal energy of the practitioner is not shared nor is the individual who is being treatment absorbed. The Reiki energy protects both the client and practitioner from an energy exchange and simply sends the Reiki energy to revitalise the individual,  activating their innate self- healing powers.

In recent times, many different modalities of Reiki have been developed, however, Spiritual Tiik has aligned herself with the origin of Reiki from the Usui lineage and is a practising  Reiki Master Teacher registered with the UK Reiki Federation. 

"Everything is energy and energy is everything"

Spiritual Tiik offers 1:1 treatment both online and offline and offers attunements to those who wish to learn to work with Reiki energy for self-healing and or who desire to become a practitioner. 

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The services offered: 

Distance Reiki Healing

For those who are unable to attend a physical session, the treatment is done online with Tiik.

Standard Reiki Healing


This session is for the traditional hands on reiki treatment.

Combination Reiki Healing

 This session is coupled with sound healing, crystals, essential oils and chakra balancing magnets.

Reiki Attunement Level 1 & 2

These are in person classes where individuals become attuned to use the Reiki energy. 

Please book the session that feels right for you below:

If unsure, please book a consultation with Spiritual Tiik  to discuss which services are right for you. 


Reiki Level 1 Attunement

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Reiki Level 2 Attunement

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  • What is Energy Healing?
    Energy Healing is technique that has been used for 1000s of years by many ancient societies. Today, energy healing is becoming more popular as a form of alternative treatment to traditional medicine. Energy healing works with the body energy system and assist the body to heal. Low vibrational stressors such as trauma, stress, limiting beliefs, emotional pain or stress creates blockages in the body which can have a negative impact on our health. Energy healing releases these blockages creating a flow of energy and allowing the body a natural way to restore itself.
  • Can Energy Healing Help someone seriously ill?
    Yes, energy healing can be used to treat someone who is terminally ill or who has a chronic illness. Clients can expect to feel a reduction in their pain or discomfort, feel relaxed and calm. Energy Healing such as Reiki is being used more and more in hospice care and hospitals as a complimentary therapy.
  • What can energy healing help?
    Each individual is different and results can vary, however, clients have reported for healing of physical aches and pains, healing of emotional issues such as anxiety and depression, eliminates stress ad fears, clients feel more motivated, release subconscious limiting beliefs, increase in energy, and an overall boost in their well-being on mind body and soul level.
  • What will my first session by like?
    In an effort to prepare for your healing session, wear comfortable clothing and drink plenty of water leading up to your treatment. On your first session, Spiritual Tiik will prepare you for the session by explaining the treatment in detail, exploring any health concerns and having you sign a consent form. Clients have different responses to treatment, however, a general response is sensations of moving energy, deep relaxation, images and colours, emotional releases and or development insights into their personal lives. With your permission Spiritual Tiik will share feedback from your treatment as appropriate.
  • After care?
    Following treatment it is advised to drink plenty of water. This will help rid any toxins that may have entered the body following a clearing of the blocked energy. To avoid feeling run down or achy drink plenty of water. Some clients experience “emotional stuff” arising after treatment, allow yourself the space to observe the emotion and exercise self care such as giving your body time to rest (if you feel tired), take a walk, get a message, meditate, do yoga, journal or any other activity that brings you joy.
  • How many treatments do I need?
    The amount of treatment that is required is due to the condition that you are attempting to work on. If you have a condition a minimal of 3 to 5 sessions are recommended with treatments provided one to two week apart. Allowing at least a week between sessions gives the client n opportunity to consciously and subconciously process the treatment as integration continues days after session. Once your condition improve treatments can be spaced out to once a month or every 6 weeks. Depending on why you make time for a Reiki treatment you may need one session or a series of sessions. I guide you on this after your first session. Last week I received an email from someone who asked to receive four sessions once a week over a six week period to help him manage exam anxiety. Although Reiki can never cause any harm, and I practice self Reiki daily, and encourage all of my students to do the same, four professional Reiki sessions each week over a six week period is unnecessary. Allowing at least a week in between each of your Reiki treatments creates space for you to consciously and subconsciously process the treatment. Reiki continues to work through you after the treatment session. The wonderful effects of the treatment continue to intergate into your being days after your session. Here is a general guideline to help you determine how many Reiki treatments you will need: If you are wanting to work on specific condition such as: anxiety headaches depression neck, shoulder or lower back pain grief an autoimmune condition fertility challenges life direction and purpose P.M.T. It’s generally best to receive three to five Reiki treatments one to two weeks apart. Once you see yourself improving you can space out treatments to one month or six weeks apart. Receiving regular Reiki treatments is excellent self-care and helps you to maintian holistic balance.
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